The Biochemistry and Biology Administrative Staff “This team manages both the Department of Biology and Department of Biochemistry. Collectively these two departments oversee more than 1200 UG students across 21 separate BIOL and BIOC Carleton. That’s a LOT of undergraduate students. Add in the graduate student population (at more than 100 students), you begin to understand the challenges of being able to respond to queries in a timely manner, while being professional and courteous,  A key to their effectiveness is that they all work together, as an organized unit. This team, magically, somehow, miraculously, keeps our ship on-course. They always find a way to treat students fairly and equitably. They have gone above and beyond in developing procedures and protocols for dealing with the most challenging of situations...It’s an understatement to say they accomplish the impossible with efficiency and a smile on their face and always a kind and encouraging word to students.”
