Dr. Fahrig, Chancellor’s Professor in the Department of Biology, has won the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, which is considered the country’s top science and engineering honour and is given annually to an individual whose body of work has shown consistent excellence and impact.

“We could not be prouder of Dr. Fahrig receiving this extremely prestigious award, which celebrates Canada’s most outstanding natural scientist,” says Carleton President and Vice-Chancellor Benoit-Antoine Bacon. “Dr. Fahrig truly epitomizes the quality of our research at Carleton, and the impact it has on our country and our planet.”

“It feels amazing, almost surreal, to be getting this medal,” says Fahrig, whose trailblazing work on wildlife habitat fragmentation and conservation has reshaped the way that protected areas are designed. “It makes me think about my research path, going right back to my MSc at Carleton 40 years ago. As a young student then, I certainly never imagined it would eventually come to this.”

The Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering is awarded annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences for engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence. to read Dr. Fahrig’s profile please click here

to learn more about the award and read the full story, please click here!

Congratulations Dr. Fahrig!