In 2022-23, a significant number of students will be registered in a mix of in-person and online sections. The library and other lounge spaces on campus will be common areas for this activity; however, we wanted to provide some additional options that students can use. We have reserved supplementary space, and divided the rooms into two categories:


  1. Quite study rooms (for viewing and independent work only);
  2. Interactive and group study rooms.

Quiet Study Space (830am-10pm) Interactive and Group Study Rooms (self service)
TB 238 (cap 76) CB 2103 (cap 7)
TB 240 (cap 78) CB 3102 (cap 7)
ME 3190 (cap 36) CB 3201 (cap 5)
PA 218 (cap 32) CB 2302 (cap 9)
PA 112 (cap 19) LA B249 (cap 19)
PA 118 (cap 20) SA 411 (cap 15)
LA A204 (cap 19) PA 100A (cap 15)
LA B250 computer lab (cap 27) PA 114 (cap 19)

Quite study rooms:

  • Rooms will be occupied on a first come, first serve basis. No need to book a seat through the portal. If the room is full, students should try another location.
  • We will post signs on the door to mark the self-study rooms.
  • The rooms will be advertised to students through social media and other student communications.
  • Students will be expected to use their own headsets, as it’s for quiet study.


Interactive and group study rooms

  • Students will book the rooms through the portal (self-service; no approval necessary). Link to the portal:
  • The rooms may be used for group work and to meet/study/interact with their peers.

More information on our website: