Michael Donaldson

Adjunct Professor


Current Research

My research focuses on understanding how organisms interact with their human-influenced environments. Through climate change, habitat development, species invasions, and fisheries, human activities can either directly or indirectly push animals to their physiological limits, affecting behaviour, reproduction, survival, and fitness.  Understanding how animals respond to and recover from anthropogenic stressors is fundamental to predicting long-term consequences of these stressors, which is in turn essential for their management and conservation.

In addition to my research activities, I work as the Content Development Manager at Canadian Science Publishing (CSP), the not-for-profit publisher of the NRC Research Press suite of journals and FACETS. My responsibilities at CSP include working with our journal editors to implement content development strategies with the ultimate goal of increasing quality submissions and enhancing the dissemination of scientific discoveries to the world. One of my main tasks is to provide support for the scientific community, including forging partnerships and collaborations with academic societies and scholarly conferences.

Selected Publications

Patterson, D.A., Robinson, K.A., Lennox, R.J., Nettles, T.L., Donaldson, L.A., Eliason, E.J., Raby, G.D., Chapman, J.M., Cook, K.V., Donaldson, M.R., Bass, A.L., Drenner, S.M., Reid, A.J., Cooke, S.J., and Hinch, S.G. 2017. Review and Evaluation of Fishing-Related Incidental Mortality for Pacific Salmon. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/010. ix + 155 p

Bett, N., S. Naman, M.R. Donaldson, N.J. Burnett, S.G. Hinch. 2016. Ecological risks associated with recipient straying in small populations of Pacific Salmon. Fisheries. 00:000-000.

Wilson, M., T. Ramey, M.R. Donaldson, R. Germain, E. Perkin. 2016. Communicating science: sending the right message to the right audience. FACETS.

Szekeres, P., E.J. Eliason, D. Lapointe, M.R. Donaldson, J.W. Brownscombe and S.J. Cooke. 2016. On the neglected cold side of climate change and its implications for fish.  Climate Research.  00:000-000.

Donaldson, M.R., N.J. Burnett, D. Braun , C.D. Suski , S.G. Hinch , S.J. Cooke , J.T. Kerr. 2016. Research bias and international biodiversity conservation policy. FACETS.

N.M. Sopinka, M.R. Donaldson, C.M. O’Connor, C.D. Suski, S.J. Cooke. 2016. Stress Indices in Fish. Biology of Stress in Fish, “Fish Physiology” series.

Donaldson, M.R., J. Amberg, S. Adhikari, A. Cupp, N. Jensen, J. Romine, A. Wright, M. Gaikowski, C.D. Suski. 2016. Carbon dioxide as a tool to deter the movement of invasive Asian Carp. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145: 657-670.