Trina Rytwinski
Research Associate
Degrees: | B.Sc. (Cape Breton), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Carleton) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 1377 |
Email: | Trina.Rytwinski@carleton.ca |
Office: | CTTC 4440J |
CV: | View |
Website: | Browse |
Lab Supervisor: Joseph R. Bennett & Steven Cooke
Current Research
My research focuses on understanding the circumstances in which anthropogenic impacts (e.g., roads, dams) affect wildlife populations. I’m particularly interested in determining which species or species groups are most vulnerable to human impacts and determining ways to mitigate negative effects. Most recently, my research has focused on two themes: (1) determining ways to improve knowledge on the influence of mitigation measures on wildlife populations through experiments, and (2) using evidence synthesis to inform management/policy/funding decisions. I’m currently working with Dr. Steven Cooke and Dr. Joseph Bennett with the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation involved with conducting evidence synthesis and meta-analysis on a variety of topics including, for example: the effectiveness of counter-wildlife crime interventions for conserving wildlife directly threated by exploitation, the impacts of flow regime changes on fish productivity in temperate regions, the consequences of fish entrainment and impingement associated with hydroelectric dams on fish productivity, the effectiveness of captive breeding programs for freshwater species as risk fish and mussels at achieving conservation targets, and the performance of fish passage facilities and culverts for promoting fish movement at barriers.
Selected Publications
Soanes K, Rytwinski T, Fahrig L, Huijser MP, Jaeger JAG, Teixeira FZ, van der Ree R, van der Grift EA. (2024). Do wildlife crossing structures mitigate the barrier effect of roads on animal movement? A global assessment. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:417-430.
Rytwinski T, Lin H-Y, Harper M, SmokorowskiKE, Smith A, Reid JL, Taylor JJ, Birnie-Gauvin K, Bradford MJ, Crossman JA, Kavanagh R, Lapointe NWR, Turgeon K, Cooke SJ. (2023). How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4: e12216.
Rytwinski T, Kelly LA, Donaldson LA, Taylor JJ, Smith A, Drake DAR, Martel AL, Geist J, Morris TJ, George AL, Dextrase AJ, Bennett JR, Cooke SJ (2021) What evidence exists for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation-oriented captive breeding and release programs for imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78:1332-1346.
Rytwinski T, Soanes K, Jaeger J A G, Fahrig L, Findlay C S, Houlahan J, van der Ree R, van der Grift E A (2016) How effective is road mitigation at reducing road-kill? A meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166941.
Rytwinski T, Fahrig L (2011) Reproductive rates and body size predict road impacts on mammal abundance. Ecological Applications 21:589–600.