It is estimated that more than 40 per cent of homes on First Nations reserves need major repairs, compared with 7 per cent in non-aboriginal homes outside reserves in Canada. According to recent fire statistics, First Nations people in Canada are ten times more susceptible to die in house fires than the population at large.To address major infrastructure challenges, IC-IMPACTS is soliciting research proposals that focus on the development and evaluation of novel ideas, methodologies, materials, and strategies that can enhance the design and construction of low-cost, resilient, energy-efficient and safe housing for First Nations communities.

For the full opportunity details, including eligibility, application instructions, evaluation criteria and review process, click here.


Eligibility for research funding:
• All Canadian researchers eligible to receive funding from IC-IMPACTS and tri-council agencies in Canada are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators from Canada.
• Canadian researchers may apply with, or without, a Principal Investigator from India. (This area will be subject to a decision by the IC-IMPACTS Board of Directors/Executive Committee).

Eligibility for prototype funding:
Eligible Canadian researcher can apply jointly with Indian and other international researchers, including with the recipients of previous IC-IMPACTS funding in India and Canada, subject to the condition that the prototype installation will be located in a First Nations community in Canada. The installation may draw expertise from around the world, especially previous recipients of IC-IMPACTS funding.


CORIS Internal Review Please contact Heloise Emdon
cuResearch Checklist October 15, 2018
Submission to sponsor October 22, 2018

Submitting Your Application

  • Applications must be submitted via cuResearch, through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.
  • More information on cuResearch can be found here.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact Heloise Emdon.