Thursday, August 27, 2015Conflict Risk Assessment: OceaniaThis report provides an analytical assessment of conflict risk in Oceania. The Oceania region can be further divided into the sub-regions (on the basis of geography, culture, language, etc.) Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Conflict Risk Assessment:... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015CIFP Watch List Report No. 1The goal of the project was to identify 3 countries at risk of violent armed conflict in the next 3 years in order for an appropriate intervention to be developed. The methodology for the watch list draws on open source information and the methodologies developed by CIFP researchers as noted in appendix a and... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015An Early Warning System for Timor-LesteA Systematic Approach to Conflict Prevention Phase I: The Early Warning System (EWS) is intended to provide stakeholders in Timor-Leste with a conflict monitoring and prevention system. Like the UNDP EWS system established in Kosovo, it will be a strategic planning, early response, and policy-planning tool for development and peace-building actors... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Yemen Risk AssessmentThe evolution towards Yemeni statehood can be viewed as the convergence of two separate and conflicting societies. North Yemen, know known as the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR), was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until its dissolution. In sharp contrast, South Yemen was ruled by the British until 1937 when it became a crown colony.... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Pakistan Risk AssessmentBeginning with its bloody independence from Britain in 1947, Pakistan has been a country in turmoil that has lurched from one crisis to another and has been stained by violence and conflict. Its birth was marked by unprecedented, spontaneous, and massive population transfers between itself and India, its neighbour and rival. More enduring has... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Honduras Risk AssessmentDiscovered in 1502, Honduras remained under Spanish administration until achieving independence in 1821. Military rule, which began in 1963 with a military coup that displaced a democratically-elected regime in 1963, lasted until the reinstatement of democracy in 1982. The current president, Manuel Zelaya (PLH), gained office in 2006. His program... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Burundi Risk AssessmentBurundi is at risk of sliding back into conflict. The peace process initiated by the 2000 Arusha accords remains unconsolidated. Although fighting has stopped, except for sporadic outbreaks of violence, underlying problems remain unresolved. The government is a prize because it is the most important source of wealth in the country, but a lack... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Sub-national Report for Aceh: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. The Iraqi Kurdistan Events Monitoring Profile is based on a fusion of CIFP... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Sub-national Report for Dagestan: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. The Iraqi Kurdistan Events Monitoring Profile is based on a fusion of CIFP... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Sub-national Report for Iraqi Kurdistan: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. This Events Monitoring Profile is based on a fusion of CIFP Risk Assessment... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Sub-national Report for Moldova: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. Sub-national Report for Moldova: Events, Scenarios and... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Sub-national Report for Western Sahara: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. This Events Monitoring Profile is based on a fusion of CIFP Risk Assessment... MoreWednesday, August 26, 2015Sub-national Report for Kaliningrad: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. The Iraqi Kurdistan Events Monitoring Profile is based on a fusion of CIFP... MoreWednesday, August 26, 2015Sub-national Report for Kosovo: Events, Scenarios and AnalysisThis sub-national report has been produced by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) for use by non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, Canadian policy-makers, and other parties concerned with the current and future state of sub-national regions. This Events Monitoring Profile is based on a fusion of CIFP Risk Assessment... MoreMonday, November 11, 20132013 Palestinian Territories Conflict Diagnostic Presentation2013 Palestinian Territories Conflict Diagnostic... MoreMonday, November 11, 20132013 Palestinian Conlict DiagnosticThis conflict diagnostic will provide an overview and analysis for the period of 2006-2012 of leading structural indicators in the Palestinian Territories (PT) relating to probability of violent armed conflict. This report finds that despite a peak in 2009, conflict intensity is on the decline and militarization has remained stable. 2013... MoreWednesday, November 6, 2013Assessing the Circumstances and Form of Canada’s Involvement in Fragile States: Relevance and ImpactAssessing the Circumstances and Form of Canada's Involvement in Fragile States:Relevance and... MoreSunday, November 3, 20132013 Niger Conflict DiagnosticThe history of Niger has been characterized by intermittent ethnic conflicts due to the marginalization of its ethnic minorities. Combined with rampant underdevelopment, poverty, and socio-political marginalization, the ethnic dimension has contributed to the outbreak of violent conflict that has surfaced during the post-independence transitional... MoreSunday, November 3, 20132013 Lebanon Conflict DiagnosticIn the midst of the Syrian civil war, Lebanon has been faced with a humanitarian crisis, economic instability, and sectarian violence. 2013 Lebanon Conflict Diagnostic 2013 Lebanon Conflict Diagnostic... MoreSunday, November 3, 20132013 Honduras – Conflict DiagnosticHonduras, a Central American state of 8.5 million, has faced a number of ongoing challenges over the past several years. In June 2009, the military staged a coup détat against then-President Zelaya after he tried to hold a referendum on the elimination of single term presidential limits. 2013 Honduras - Conflict Diagnostic 2013 Honduras... MoreSunday, November 25, 2012South Sudan Ethnic Reconciliation Commission for Harmonization – SSERCHSSERCH is a track II, inclusive, and locally based informal consultation and mediation project. The main objective is to persuade ethnic groups to prevent violent conflict by adopting peaceful dialogue as the only path to sustainable peace, safety, national cohesion and prosperity. South Sudan Ethnic Reconciliation Commission for Harmonization -... MoreTuesday, November 6, 2012Libya Conflict Risk Assessment 2012Libya Conflict Risk Assessment... MoreThursday, November 1, 2012Afghanistan Risk Assessment 2012Afghanistan Risk Assessment... MoreWednesday, October 31, 2012Central African Republic Risk Assessment 2012In the last several decades of conflict in neighbouring countries Sudan, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the international community has largely overlooked the impoverished and oppressive conditions plaguing the Central African Republic (CAR). The CAR is in critical condition, ranked 10/177 on the Failed States Index, despite... MoreWednesday, October 31, 2012Nigeria Risk Assessment Report 2012The Federal Republic of Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa, encompassing 166 million people distributed among more than 250 distinct ethnic and linguistic groups. Muslims dominate the northern rural part of the country, while Christians make up the majority in the oil-rich urban south. Nigeria’s population is evenly distributed... MoreWednesday, October 31, 2012Mali Conflict Diagnostic 2012The Tuareg peoples – or alternatively, the Kel Tamasheq – are a territorially concentrated, mostly nomadic Berber ethnic group in the desert regions of northeastern Mali, southern Algeria, western Niger and parts of Libya and Burkina-Faso (See Appendix, Figure 1). There are approximately 500,000 Kel Tamasheq in Mali, and various factions of... MoreSunday, August 26, 2012We must be careful as a nation donating to fragile statesIn the last decade, Afghanistan and Haiti have been the two largest recipients of Canadian official development assistance (ODA), receiving more than the traditionally large recipients of Canadian aid of the 1990s such as Bangladesh and China. Key reasons for this transformation in Canadian priorities were the 9/11 attacks and perceived need to... MoreSaturday, June 30, 2012Balochistan 2012 PresentationBalochistan 2012... MoreSaturday, June 30, 2012Balochistan Conflict Report 2012Balochistan Conflict Report 2012... MoreSaturday, June 30, 2012Egypt Coptic Christian Report 2012Egypt Coptic Christian Report... MoreSaturday, June 30, 2012Nuba- Sudan Conflict Report 2012Following the partition of Sudan in July 2011, the breakdown of the CPA process on transitional governance has led the Nuba Mountain Region to a state of crisis, stemming from fragmented tribes with ethno-political allegiances to President al-Bashir’s National Congress Party (NCP), or the Nuba-backed SPLM-N. Furthermore, GoS initiated aerial... MoreMonday, June 25, 2012Mali Conflict Presentation 2012The objective is to obtain approval‐in‐principle for Objective Obtain approval in principle for recommended policy option to address current current conflict conflict in Mali from a Government Government of Canada (GC) perspective. Mali Conflict Presentation... MoreSaturday, June 23, 2012Moro Ethnic Conflict Report 2012The struggle for self-determination by the Moro people in the Southern Philippines began in 1565 under Spanish colonial rule and is still an unresolved conflict today. Rooted in primordial notions of homeland, indoctrination, social marginalization, and historical displacement, the Moro people and the government have engaged in multiple rounds of... MoreSaturday, June 23, 2012Toubou-Libya Conflict Presentation 2012Toubou-Libya Conflict Presentation... MoreSaturday, June 23, 2012Libya Toubou Conflict Report 2012The fall of Muammar Qaddafi‟s regime in 2011 has sparked an escalation of ethnic tensions in Libya‟s southern province of Fezzan, where indigenous Toubous1 have experienced recent violent clashes with local Arab tribes, particularly the Zwai. The towns of Sabha and Kufra remain under a tense ceasefire between the heavily-armed tribal militias,... 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