Since its introduction in an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review in 2011, the Collective Impact framework has been receiving considerable attention in the US, Canada, and around the world. I am pleased to announce that we will be exploring the theory in an upcoming issue of The Philanthropist.

I am pleased to invite you to participate in an upcoming issue of The Philanthropist [ ] focussing on Collective Impact (CI). The Philanthropist is a quarterly review for practitioners, scholars, supporters, and others engaged in the non-profit sector in Canada and has become a pre-eminent voice to explore current trends and issues.

I expect that Community Service-Learning programmes are beginning to encounter CI initiatives in your work and would be delighted to hear more about the experience of post-secondary institutions with this model for solving complex social problems through highly structured collaboration.

The attached (The Philanthropist Issue on Collective Impact)  is a two page overview describing Collective Impact and suggested areas of inquiry to explore this new theory and model for collaboration where “organizations from different sectors agree to solve a specific social problem using a common agenda, aligning their efforts, and using common measures of success” .

There are three ways in which you can get involved:

1. Propose a 3,000 – 4,000 word feature article based on your experience or views about Collective Impact. Draft articles should be submitted by 31 January, 2014 for review and discussion in February.

2. Develop a Case Study describing an initiative in Canada which uses a Collective Impact approach or shares similar characteristics. We are particularly interested in exploring similarities and differences and in determining the effectiveness and challenges of collaborations which address complex social problems.

3. Share your interest, experience and views directly with me to inform our work and suggest other contacts which may be interested in participating.

I look forward to hearing from anyone with an interest in this subject.

Larry Gemmel

Associate Guest Editor

The Philanthropist – Collective Impact

Val-des-Monts QC

For further information: