Haliburton Highlands Land Trust

Posting for the Positions of

Executive Director and Administrative Assistant

The Haliburton Highlands Land Trust is a leader in environmental protection, research, and education in Haliburton County.   It is seeking two positions:  Administrative Assistant and Executive Director.  If you are interested in either position, e-mail your resume to admin@haliburtonlandtrust.ca  by 5:00 p.m. on January 17, 2014 for the Administrative Assistant position or January 24, 2014 for the Executive Director position.

Executive Director


The Executive Director is a highly motivated and energetic leader with a strong interest in conservation.  The Executive Director serves as the public face of the Land Trust and provides leadership in the areas of funding development, volunteer and membership development and the management of staff and operations.  The successful candidate brings a commitment to environmental conservation and a background in management, ideally in the not-for-profit sector. You have:

  • Proven ability to lead an organization through change to successful growth in its funding, membership base and partnerships.
  • An undergraduate or college degree in environmental studies/science, business administration, non-profit management or a related field.
  • Experience in fundraising and grant proposals, policy and program development and excellent communications skills.
  • Demonstrated ability in building relationships with a wide array of individuals.

This position is funded through a two year Trillium grant.  It is the intent of the Land Trust to make this position ongoing following this grant.  Retention is of course dependent upon funding which is a key focus of the position.  The full terms of reference are available on the website at www.haliburtonlandtrust.ca

Administrative Assistant


The Administrative Assistant reports directly to the Executive Director and works closely with the Board of Directors and its committees.  The position involves setting up and maintaining information pertaining to volunteers, memberships (and membership levels), donations, projects, and electronic mailing lists.  The candidate works closely with the treasurer to maintain financial records, to process invoices and payments and to handle the banking aspect (and record keeping) of all donations and payments.  The successful candidate has:

  • Demonstrated office coordination and record keeping skills
  • Strong knowledge of computer systems and the ability to undertake effective database design and management.
  • Experience in processing invoices, handling bank deposits, and financial record keeping.
  • Superior organizational skills and is detail oriented.
  • Strong people skills  as working directly with volunteers and members of the public is required.

Compensation is $18.00 per hour. The expected regular number of hours per week is fifteen with allowance for additional hours as project workload may dictate.  This is a contract position for 2014 with renewal beyond 2014 dependent upon available funding.  Funding for this position comes through project grants, private donations, and other funding avenues.