Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

CCPH 2016 Conference – Journey to Justice: Creating Change Through Partnerships

May 11, 2016 — May 14, 2016
Time: 8:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Location:Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, Louisiana
Cost:$235 - $575
Key Contact:Shelly Tolo
Contact Phone:206-962-0012

CCPH_Logo_2.0.JPGThe 2016 conference is designed to help communities and campuses gain a better understanding of health inequities and effective partnering strategies to overcome inequities.

Conference Goals

  • Sharpen community-campus partnerships’ and conference participants’ understanding of the present historical moment and the root causes of health, social, racial and economic inequities.
  • Reflect on the potential for partnerships to make change and work toward social and racial justice.
  • Provide an inclusive and dynamic forum to network, share information and build skills.
  • Build the capacity of communities and institutions to engage in authentic partnerships.
  • Transform the community-campus partnerships movement by connecting people, partnerships and networks from around the world.
  • Shape the program and policy agendas and responses of CCPH and co-sponsoring organizations to move us from injustice to the justice.

Conference Objectives

  • Provide participants with a deepened understanding of how partnerships can transform people, communities, institutions, policies and systems.
  • Reflect on why and how they engage in community-campus partnerships.
  • Commit to concrete and specific actions they will take upon returning home.
  • Build connections, share ideas and establish a peer group for continued learning.
  • Create momentum for and subsequent action through partnerships, policies and entities working to address the root causes of health, social, racial and economic inequities.

For more information, please visit the conference website.