The Cultural Transfers workshop series presents Art and Trauma on Wednesday, March 26th at the Carleton University Art Gallery.

Johnny El-Alam (Cultural Mediations PhD Candidate) and Peter Hodgins (Assistant Professor, Canadian Studies & ICSLAC) will present on Wednesday, March 26, 2014.  Johnny El-Alam will present “Echoes of Trauma Theory and False Memory in the Art of Walid Raad” while Peter Hodgins will present Between Elegy and Taxidermy: Archibald Lampman’s Golden Lady’s Slippers. Abstracts for these talks can be found here.

A reception will follow in 201 St. Patrick’s after the workshop.

The workshop is organized as follows: two 20-minute presentations followed by a question/discussion period.  Our workshops usually last 75-90 minutes. Cultural Transfers is a workshop series coorganized by the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture and the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis, Carleton University.