It’s been months since I took them time to write a few words and much longer than it should be since our last coffee hour – stay tuned, I’m hoping to set a coffee time for the near future! I know how busy everyone has been and how long this cold winter has been but spring is on its way.  Ontario Graduate Scholarship applications were submitted in early December and are now at the Faculty committee levels for review. Results are expected sometime in mid-April.

We have now expended the Travel Bursary Funds for this year – thank you to everyone who responded to my call for applications. Ten students received funding in the 2014-15 budget year – it’s unusual for us to reach March with money left so thank you for helping me spend it on your research!  I wish you all fruitful research trips and successful conferences this spring.

Much of my time in 2015 so far was spent on audit reviews (weren’t they fun?); timetable scheduling and admissions review for both the Cultural Mediations PhD and the Digital Humanities Collaborative MA. Remember when you received your offer?  It’s difficult to believe that the first year of new admissions that I worked with are now in their 5th year of a PhD!  And if you have not had a chance to meet with me for an audit review quite yet, please do so soon.

Enjoy the sun and the beautiful weather coming our way this week!  Spring is coming, it really is!