Dr. Michael Windover (SSAC/ICSLAC) and Dr. Dustin Valen (McGill University) are organizing a two-day symposium dedicated to exploring the role of the built environment in shaping Canadian society in the decades following the Second World War. Through an emphasis on the small-scale and intimate, the paper presentations and architectural walking tours invite readings of Canada’s postwar built environment that pluralize its discourse, and foreground the complexities of social and spatial practices in an era of fast-paced urban and suburban change. The program includes presentations from Cultural Mediations current and former students.The event is free, however space is limited. Learn more about the event and register here https://carleton.ca/smallmodernisms/.

Carleton students interested in attending and producing reflections on the activities and research presented at the symposium may receive financial compensation from the organizers. Please contact Prof. Michael Windover(michael.windover@carleton.ca) or Dr. Dustin Valen (dustin.valen@mail.mcgill.ca) to express interest and find out more about this opportunity.