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Module 3.2.1 – Getting Started: Basic Building Blocks: Basic Text Blocks: Paragraph

The “Paragraph” block is the default block when you open a page or post in cuTheme. To begin writing in a paragraph, simply click on an empty box and begin typing. This intro text is in a paragraph block.


  1. While editing any type of content, begin typing in any blank block. “Paragraph” blocks are the default block set by WordPress.

    Alternatively, if you would like to add another paragraph block, you can press the “Enter” key, or add it from the block menu.
Add a paragraph block

2. Within the paragraph block, use the editing toolbar to bold or italicize and to create hyperlinks.

Editing toolbar

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned how to work with the paragraph block, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add a paragraph to your page/post.
  2. Add some content. Practice formatting with bold, and italics. Create a hyperlink.

Click on the “Next” button to get started with the “Heading” block.