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Cadence University Program Member


Cadence’s software tools are being used at Carleton University to design Digital, Analog and RF ICs. The tools are being used with advanced CMOS, Bipolar, SiGe and SOI technologies. The tools are being used in the following graduate classes:

  • ELEC 4708 Advanced Digital Electronics – VLSI design based on CMOS technology, characteristics of CMOS logic circuits, cell libraries, building blocks, structured design, testing, Computer-Aided Design tools.
  • ELEC 5804 VLSI Design – Introductory course to VLSI design using all major Cadence tools for digital ASIC design including layout, P&R, Verilog simulation, DRC, LVS etc.
  • ELEC 5805 VLSI Design Project – Second term course on digital VLSI design with project focus and submission of IC for fabrication. Makes use of all major Cadence digital design tools.
  • ELEC 5808 Signal Processing Electronics – Introductory course on analog IC design using major Cadence analog design tools including analog artist, spice, spectre, DRC, LVS, etc.
  • ELEC 5202 Analog Integrated Filters – Advanced Analog IC design course focused on switch capacitor and active filters. Makes use of analog design tools for layout and simulation.
  • ELEC 5600 Digital Integrated Circuit Testing – Advanced Digital IC testing course. Makes use of Cadence simulation tools.
  • ELEC 5705 Advanced Topics in VLSI – Advanced Digital and Analog IC topics making use of Cadence tools, primarily in a project format.

There are a number of ongoing research projects using Cadence’s tools at Carleton University. The VLSI group at Carleton is actively involved with CMC for chip design, test, and fabrication. The research program is divided into three main projects: Devices, Circuits, and Systems. The main thrust of the research program in the area of Devices is towards the design, modeling and technological realization of submicron device structures for CMOS, Bipolar and BiCMOS integrated circuits. Circuits-oriented research is in the context of realization of mixed analog/ digital systems in silicon technologies (for example digital radio receiver circuits). Also under the circuits umbrella is a project aimed at CAD for VLSI.

Finally, systems research is directed towards advanced mixed analog/digital system design for realization in silicon ULSI, with interfacing to high frequency hybrid circuit design.

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Please contact,
Scott Bruce
Phone Number: 520-2600 x2513
regarding any information on the page.
Last updated: March 6, 2019
Cadence is a trademark of the Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Avenue, San Jose CA 95134