CU WorkSafe

CU WorkSafe is Carleton’s online tool for hazard identification, injury and incident reporting and workplace inspections. It facilitates communication between staff, faculty, union leaders, Human Resources, and Environmental Health & Safety to ultimately improve reporting and risk mitigation strategies at Carleton.
Learn more about why we made the change to CU WorkSafe here.
Whether you work or study at Carleton, or are just visiting, everyone can use and benefit from CU WorkSafe. However, the way users will enter CU WorkSafe is different depending on to which group they belong.
Staff and Faculty
Carleton’s faculty and staff have access to CU WorkSafe by clicking the button below and entering their MyCarletonOne username and password. One logged in, users will have access to incident reporting and the “myWork” tab.
The “myWork” tab houses items that have been assigned to you or require your attention. For example, supervisors will find injury reports submitted by their employees, if any have been submitted.
Note: If an employee wishes to submit an anonymous Good Catch report, they may do so by entering CU WorkSafe through the Guest Portal.
Students, Visitors, and Contractors
Although students have MyCarletonOne credentials, they will not be able to access CU WorkSafe via the same link as employees. Students, as well as any other persons without an MC1, can access incident and hazard reporting through the CU WorkSafe Guest Portal.
The Guest Portal also allows employees to enter Good Catch Reports anonymously.