CU Ready Scavenger Hunt

October 30 to November 3 is Fall Emergency Preparedness Week. As part of this special week, the Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations (EMCO) team is hosting a CU Ready Scavenger Hunt where you can learn more about available preparedness resources on campus and be entered for a chance to win a personal emergency kit.
Each participant will receive one entry into our draw for a personal emergency kit for each correct answer. If the question asks you to list out three items and you get them all correct, you will receive three entries into our draw. Participants must be affiliated with Carleton. One draw will be held for students and one draw will be held for staff and faculty.
Limit of one entry per person. Submissions must be received by the end of the day on November 7, 2023. The draw will be held on November 8, 2023, and winners will be contacted by November 10, 2023.
Not sure of an answer? Check out our list of resources on our “Are you #CUReady?” page.
Thank you to those who participated in the CU Ready Scavenger Hunt and followed along during Emergency Preparedness Week!