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Flooding is an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines. This may be caused by an internal system failure (pipe or water main burst), sudden heavy rainfall, or seasonal weather changes.


Green background with white text providing immediate actions to take during a flooding incident

EVACUATE and remain away from any flooded areas.

Report any sign of flooding to Facilities Management and Planning (FMP) at 613-520-3668.

For imminent danger or life-threatening conditions, contact Campus Safety Services at 613-520-4444 or 4444 from any university phone.

DO NOT use the tunnels.


GET THE APP, GET THE INFO. Download the Carleton Mobile App and enable notifications. This will allow any emergency notification system messages to be sent right to your phone.

KNOW YOUR EXITS. Be familiar with emergency exits, evacuation routes, and safe destination sites.


NOTIFY AUTHORITIES. If you notice any sign of flooding, report it as soon as possible to Facilities Management and Planning (FMP) at 613-520-3668. If there is imminent danger or life-threatening conditions, immediately contact Campus Safety Services at 613-520-4444 or 4444 from any university phone.

IF INDOORS. Avoid the area(s) identified by Carleton University or local authorities as the affected areas. If water has breached the building, stay out of the water. Electricity could still be on and the water could carry a current. Do not use the tunnels.

IF OUTDOORS. Avoid drains, ditches, ravines, and culverts. Move to higher ground (by foot).

IF IN A VEHICLE. Do not attempt to drive through a flood in a vehicle – cars will float in as little as one foot of water. If your vehicle stalls or is surrounded by still or slow-moving water, abandon it and move to higher ground on foot.

IF YOU ARE TRAPPED.  If you are trapped in a building or in a vehicle, try to call or send a text to Campus Safety Services at 613-520-4444 or extension 4444 from a Carleton landline. Campus Safety Services will coordinate a response to assist you.

REMAIN ALERT. Remain alert for instructions from Campus Safety Services and use the Carleton Mobile App to stay up-to-date.


REMAIN PATIENT. Do not attend the affected areas until the area has been deemed safe to return to by Carleton officials or emergency personnel.

SEEK HELP TO COPE WITH TRAUMA. Consider seeking professional help to cope with the long-term effects of trauma.