Hazardous Material – HazMat
Hazardous materials include chemicals and other agents that have toxic effects on people, animals, and/or plants. This may include poisonous vapours, aerosols, liquids, or solids; can occur in various forms such as spills or leaks; and can potentially be lethal depending on the concentration and hazardous material that is involved.
DO NOT turn lights on or off.
DO NOT use cellphones or radios.
DO NOT activate fire alarm.
EVACUATE the area and proceed to a safe destination site. Once safe, call Campus Safety Services at extension 4444 or 613-520-4444.
If trained, attempt to contain the spill.
Neutralize if possible, collect and clean.
Contact your supervisor and/or EHS to complete a report.
Evacuate the area.
Once safe, call Campus Safety Services at extension 4444 or 613-520-4444.
Provide detailed information on spill.
Be available to assist the response with information.
SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Let an authority know right away. Call Campus Safety Services at 613-520-4444 or extension 4444 from a Carleton landline.
EMERGENCY CHEMICAL EMERGENCY KIT. Building an Emergency Supply Kit that includes duct tape, scissors and plastic to cover doors, windows and vents.
CONSIDER EVACUATION VIA A SAFE ROUTE VS SEEKING SHELTER. Be aware of the situation and decide the best course of action.
AVOID. Identify the impacted area or where the chemical is coming from, if possible. Call Campus Safety Services 613-520-4444 when you are safe. Describe what you observed.
EVACUATE OR SEEK SHELTER. If evacuating do not pass through the contaminated area, move in a direction upwind of the source, if possible. If you cannot get out of the building, move far away as possible from the contaminated area and seek shelter. DO NOT use elevators if notified of a gas leak.
- If you are instructed to remain in the building. Close doors and windows and turn off all ventilation systems if possible.
- Seek shelter and seal the room with your Emergency Chemical Emergency Kit.
- Stand-by for further instructions.
* Carleton University will use the Emergency Notification System to address the emergency and relay additional instructions.
REMAIN PATIENT. Do not leave the safety of a shelter until authorities announce it is safe to do so.
SEEK HELP TO COPE WITH TRAUMA. Consider seeking professional help to cope with the long-term effects of trauma.