Medical Emergency
A medical emergency can be as a result of an acute injury or illness; it may pose a risk to long-term health or to one’s life if immediate medical attention is not received. The response will depend on the situation and you may not necessarily be able to deal with the medical emergency yourself.
Call Campus Safety Services at ext. 4444 from a Carleton landline or 613-520-4444.
Provide the location of incident, nature of illness or injury, the number of victims and your name.
LEARN FIRST AID. Be prepared by taking a first-aid course through Carleton University or through a certified provider in the community. Courses provide skills and knowledge training for various types of medical emergencies.
HAVE A FIRST AID KIT HANDY. Have an accessible first aid kit as part of your emergency kit and know the location(s) across campus that may have one available if prompt treatment is required.
AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS (AEDs). As part of the Ottawa Paramedic Service Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) program, Carleton University has several Public Access AEDs located across campus. Know the location(s) of those closest to your location. Campus Safety Services also carries AEDs as part of their response to medical emergencies.
HAVE A PERSONAL “GO BAG” READY. In the event you need to go to the hospital, have a “Go Bag” packed and ready with extra clothing, copies of important information (health card, insurance), a list of current medications, emergency contact information, and personal care items.
STAY CALM. Check the area for any hazards or signs of danger. Only approach is safe to do so. Early intervention can be crucial during any type of medical emergency. It is important to recognize the signs that something is wrong, take note of the symptoms that are present, and request additional help. If someone is seriously injured, do not move them unless they are in a life-threatening situation.
CONTACT CAMPUS SAFETY SERVICES. Notify Campus Safety Services at 613-520-4444 or extension 4444 from any Carleton landline. Campus Safety Services will coordinate first aid and emergency medical services response. Advise the Communications Operator of the following:
- Location of the emergency
- Nature of the illness/injury
- If the victim is conscious/breathing/bleeding
- If there are any hazards or dangers in the immediate area
- If there are multiple victims
IF TRAINED IN FIRST AID. Only if you are trained and it is safe to do so – begin first aid until additional help or emergency responders arrive.
KEEP RESPONDERS UPDATED. If there are any changes in the condition or the vitals of the victim(s), update Campus Safety Services immediately.
FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. When responders arrive, follow their directions and provide them with any details or information that may be relevant to the nature of the illness or injury.
SEEK HELP TO COPE WITH TRAUMA. Consider seeking professional help to cope with the long-term effects of trauma.