photo: Tony Bailetti

Associate professor Tony Bailetti will receive the International Talent Acquisition Centre (In-TAC) Award in the group category as the head of Lead to Win (LTW). LTW has partnered with In-TAC to connect innovative companies in LTW with talented international professionals.

“Tony has taken Carleton’s innovative entrepreneurship and technology programs to the marketplace, and he continues to support our students by connecting them with professionals, bringing new business to Ottawa and to Canada,” said Roseann O’Reilly Runte, Carleton’s president. “LTW, Tony and his colleagues in Carleton’s Technology Innovation Management program richly deserve this award recognizing their commitment to the success of local organizations.”

The In-TAC Award recognizes outstanding achievement by one of its employer partners that hires the largest number of In-TAC newcomers in the past year. It is because of the efforts of individuals such as Bailetti that In-TAC has been successful in making a positive contribution to the employment rates and successful integration of its professional IT and accounting graduates.

“Entrepreneurs in the region, including our students, are taking advantage of the opportunities afforded to them by the Lead to Win ecosystem and In-TAC program,” said Bailetti. “Graduates of the Lead to Win Bootcamp have gone on to form successful companies that hire talented people in the nation’s capital and drive the local economy. These innovative companies are better prepared to compete globally due to the professionals they have found through In-TAC.”

Faculty members in Carleton’s Technology Innovation Management program and other individuals in Ottawa and Gatineau operate Lead to Win, an ecosystem designed to launch and grow successful companies in the region. LTW is an economic engine that embodies applied research carried out at the university for the purpose of creating knowledge jobs by supporting innovative entrepreneurs.

Bailetti is an award-winning mentor and the director of Carleton’s Institute for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization.

About Lead to Win
Lead To Win is an award-winning business development program that seeks to establish and grow businesses in Canada’s National Capital Region. Initially, the Lead To Win (LTW) program was founded to develop technology-based companies, but over time the program has grown to also encompass all growth-oriented businesses. The goal has remained the same: each business is to generate a minimum of six jobs in its first three years.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 in
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