Ryan Tannahill

Share one fun fact about yourself.  
I skipped senior kindergarten.

What do you want to accomplish in the next 10 years?
I would like to get my degree in civil engineering and then do my masters in structural. Afterwards I would like to get my Professional Engineer designation. During this time I also plan to take design courses and get my real estate licence. Once all of this is completed I will be living my dream of flipping houses.

Who is the most inspiring engineer you know or have heard of?
The most inspiring engineer I know is Ted Herage. He got his degree in mechanical engineering and has been working at Canmet Energy for several years now. He is immensely knowledgeable and passionate about his work, which inspires me to go out and pursue what I love. He does a wide variety of engineering work including design, fabrication and testing of mechanical systems. Best of all I had the honour of working with him this past summer.

Why did you choose your program of study?
I’ve always had an interest in architecture therefore civil engineering seemed like the right choice. It is also a very broad stream of engineering, making it a good option for someone who is slightly unsure. Throughout my degree I’ve also come to learn that civil engineering is the oldest form of engineering and will always be the foundation of our society.

What has been your favourite course?
Solids of Mechanics, which I took first semester in second year. One of the reasons it was my favourite was because it focuses on  the structural aspects of civil engineering, which is my prime area of interest.  The other reason is because it was taught by an extremely intelligent, and passionate professor, Jack Vandenberg.

What has been the best part of your engineering education?
The opportunity to surround myself with such intelligent and motivated people. It has been very eye opening to see all different types of engineers doing all kinds of work. It is truly the most flexible degree you can get.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?
I hope to make my family proud and live a happy and successful life. It is also very important for me to inspire other girls to pursue whatever academic career they desire.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 in
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