The Giveaway Period
The giveaway is run by Carleton University’s Faculty of Engineering and Design (FED). The giveaway will run online from August 29 to September 9, 2022. 

The person entering the giveaway must be a resident of Canada who has reached the age of majority in their province of residence and is enrolled in their first year of a Faculty of Engineering or Design program at Carleton University during the 2022-23 academic school year. The Giveaway is not open to staff and faculty of Carleton. The giveaway is not open to residents of Quebec. 

To be eligible, submissions must not contain vulgar language, nudity, copyrighted materials, videos/pictures/music from a third party or illegal activities. We reserve the right to disqualify any submission for any reason.  

How to Enter
The giveaway may be entered online only. To complete the official giveaway entry, participants must comment on the Instagram post, Facebook post or send an email to Participants may enter only once 

To enter through Instagram: 

  • Go to the giveaway post found here: Post Link
  • Answer the question: What is one thing you’re excited to do at Carleton this fall? 
  • Tag 3 friends,  
  • Follow us & like the post! 

To enter through Facebook: 

  • Go to the giveaway post found here: Post Link 
  • Answer the question: What is one thing you’re excited to do at Carleton this fall? 
  • Tag 3 friends,  
  • Follow us & like the post! 

To enter through email: 

  • Send us an email to answering the question: What is one thing you’re excited to do at Carleton this fall? 
  • Include “2022-23 Fall Giveaway” in your email subject. 

Late entries will be disqualified. There is no fee to enter this giveaway, and no purchase or other consideration is necessary.  

There will be three Faculty of Engineering and Design Swag Bags awarded to three winners. 

The prizes have no cash redemption value. Carleton University makes no express or implied warranties of any kind with respect to safety or performance of the giveaway prizes.  

Selection and Awarding the Prizes
Giveaway entries must be submitted by September 8, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET. On September 9th, 2022, 3 winners will be randomly selected from an online randomized picking platform. 

The giveaway winners will be announced and notified on September 9, 2022 at 2:00pm ET. 

Disqualification: If any one of the giveaway conditions is not met, the selected entrant will be disqualified and shall not be entitled to receive any prizes. FED has the sole and absolute discretion to verify the information provided in the student’s entry form. If any information is deemed to be false, FED reserve the right to disqualify that entrant in their absolute discretion and to select another eligible entrant as a potential prize winner. The decision of the aforementioned parties is final and binding, without any right of appeal.  

Copyright and Permissions
By entering the Giveaway, all entrants commenting on the Instagram post consent to Carleton University, its affiliates, licensees, assigns, clients and agents (collectively, “Carleton University”) ownership of the text submitted. Ownership includes the right to use, reproduce, publish, display, distribute, license, sell, modify and alter without restriction or otherwise exploit the text, in whole or in part, in any medium whatsoever without restriction (including, without limitation, social media channels), in any country in the world. 

By entering this giveaway individuals commenting on the posts agree that they have no rights of inspection or approval regarding any use by Carleton University of the text or any materials that may be used in connection therewith or to the eventual use to which they may be applied. 

By entering the Giveaway all entrants and individuals commenting on the post waive, in favour of Carleton University and all persons as may be designated by Carleton University from time to time any moral rights that may be owned in respect of the text (including any and all rights to be associated therewith by name and the right to remain anonymous and the right to the integrity of the text, including the rights of modification and association), and any and all of my rights to privacy and personality in relation to the text. 

By entering the Giveaway all entrants and individuals submitting the text release and discharge Carleton University from all claims and causes of action that he or she may have relating to Carleton University’s use of the Recordings in relation to the Project including, without limitation, all claims for infringement of copyright, invasion of privacy, right of publicity and defamation.  

By entering the Giveaway all entrants and individuals commenting on the post grant to Carleton University the right to use, and authorize others to use, their name and likeness for the purposes of promotion or advertising in relation to the Giveaway, FED, and/or Carleton University.  

Verification of Entries: The validity of any student status regarding enrollment is subject to verification by FED. Any incomplete, double, or fraudulent entries will be rejected. Any entrant or other individual who enters or attempts to enter the Giveaway in a manner which is contrary to these official Giveaway Rules or which is otherwise disruptive to the proper operation of the Giveaway or by its nature is unjust to other entrants or potential entrants will be rejected and that entrant or purported entrant will be disqualified. All decisions of the Giveaway judges, who are employees of Carleton University, with respect to any and all aspects of the Giveaway, including without limitation the eligibility or disqualification of entrants or entries, are final and binding without right of appeal. 

The Odds: The odds of winning depend upon the number of eligible entries received. 

Acceptance of Prizes: The Prize must be accepted as described in these rules and cannot be transferred to another individual, substituted for another prize or exchanged in whole or in part for cash or credit. If for any reason a selected entrant cannot be reached through the contact information provided, or does not respond to FED within five (5) business days of being contacted, or if there is any reason a winner cannot accept the prize as awarded, their entry will be declared null and void, and another eligible entrant will be selected from among the remaining eligible entries. 

Substitution of a Prize: FED reserves the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, and for any reason whatsoever, to substitute a Prize or any part thereof, with an alternate prize of equivalent value. 

Termination of Giveaway: FED reserves the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to modify, cancel, terminate or suspend the Giveaway at any time, in whole or in part, in the event of any cause or circumstance, including without limitation any virus, computer bug or unauthorized human intervention, unauthorized or automated voting, or any other cause that is beyond the control of FED that could corrupt or affect the administration, security, impartiality or normal course of the Giveaway. 

Release and Exclusion of Liability: By entering or attempting to enter the Giveaway, each individual agrees: (i) to release, discharge, and forever hold harmless Carleton University, and their respective officers, directors, employees, members, agents and other representatives (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all claims, actions, damages, injuries, demands, manner of actions, causes of action, suits, debts, duties, accounts, bonds, covenants, warranties, indemnities, claims over, contracts and liabilities of whatever nature or kind including without limitation arising out of, or in connection with the entrant’s participation or attempted participation in the Giveaway, compliance or non-compliance with these Giveaway rules and acceptance and use of the Prize, any other prize or any portion thereof.  

Carleton University will not be responsible for lost, incomplete, late or misdirected Giveaway entries or for any failure of the Giveaway website during the Giveaway Period, or for any technical malfunction or other problems with, any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment or software or for any technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination of the foregoing, and will not be liable for any resulting injury or damage to any person or property arising from, or relating to, that person’s or any other person’s participation or attempted participation in the Giveaway, or attempted voting in the giveaway. Any attempt to deliberately damage any website or to undermine the legitimate operation of this Giveaway is a violation of criminal and civil laws and, should such an attempt be made, Carleton University reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution. (iii) Each winner must sign a release form, giving Carleton University the permission to publish in print, broadcast or online, the winner’s preferred name without remuneration. 

Communication with Entrants: No communication or correspondence will be entered into with any Giveaway entrants about their specific giveaway entries, other than: 

  • Winners who are selected at random to collect or deliver their prizes

Personal Information and Privacy Policy:
Any personal information collected through this giveaway will be used and disclosed by Carleton University under the authority of the Carleton University Act, and in accordance with sections 39, 41 and 42 of Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and applicable Carleton University privacy policies, which can be read here: By entering this giveaway, all individuals consent to the collection and use of the personal information provided and contained in any submitted entry. 

The information provided will not be used for any purposes other than those stated upon this document unless the entrant directs otherwise. Carleton University is fully compliant with FIPPA and endeavours at all times to treat all personal information in accordance with this law. 

You have certain rights to access and rectify the information contained in the file held about you and in order to exercise these rights, or if you have any questions, comments or concerns about this consent please contact Carleton University person listed below. Manager, Privacy & Access to Information
Telephone: (613) 520-2600 Ext. 2047

These giveaway rules are available at:

Monday, August 29, 2022 in
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