CENGN is the Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks. Our mission is to accelerate the growth of the Canadian Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, enabling economic strength and prosperity, as well as innovation and competitiveness in this high-growth global multi-trillion dollar industry.

Through our leading-edge technology infrastructure and expertise, and the creation of a globally recognized ecosystem of partners, CENGN helps Canadian small and medium enterprises overcome commercialization barriers and grow. CENGN collaborates with top ICT multinationals, the public sector, financial institutions, and academic partners, to solidify Canada’s leadership in next generation networks for the benefit of all Canadians.

CENGN’s internationally recognized multi-vendor infrastructure is built on open source as well as commercially available software and hardware. CENGN’s technology areas of focus are: Data Centre and Cloud Infrastructure, Internet of Things (IoT), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and Software Defined Networks (SDN), among others. The organization is at the leading edge in the development and deployment of wired and wireless technologies that are utilized by applications such as cloud, wireless 5G, autonomous vehicles, broadband internet and cybersecurity.

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