Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

EVENT: The Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: A Perspective from the Ukrainian Red Cross Society

September 19, 2024 at 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Location:182 Nideyinàn

DATE: September 19th, 2024

TIME: 3:30-5:00pm

LOCATION: 182 Nideyinàn

Photo exhibition: Nideyinàn Galleria; 9AM-6PM

Registration is required for this event. Please register using the form below.

Event Description:

In addition to more than ten years of ongoing conflict, the escalation of the international armed conflict in Ukraine in February 2022 has resulted in widespread and devastating humanitarian impacts. The crisis has forced millions to flee Ukraine and displaced millions more within the country.

Since the escalation, Red Cross teams have been providing life-saving assistance to those affected, both within Ukraine and in the surrounding countries. The Ukrainian Red Cross Society continues to lead the response efforts on the ground, addressing the needs of millions.

During this event, representatives from the Ukrainian Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross will provide the latest information on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, share their field experience, and answer your questions.

Following the event, Maksym Dotsenko will present a compelling photo exhibition that captures the harsh realities faced by the people in Ukraine and highlights the extensive support provided by Red Cross teams worldwide.

About the speakers:

Maksym Dotsenko: Born in 1983, he graduated Sumy National Agrarian University (Business Management) in 2005 and studied public administration in Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine in 2014-2016.

In 2004, Maksym Dotsenko started to work as an analyst for a commercial company. He worked for the Regional State Labour Inspection in Sumy region as a deputy head of the department in 2012-2013, for the State Labour Inspection of Ukraine in 2013-2014, and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine as the Head of the Humanitarian Aid Department in 2014-2017. In 2017-2018, he was the Commercial Director at Invapol Ltd., Kyiv, and joined the Ukrainian Red Cross Society as the Deputy Director General in 2018. In 2020, Maksym Dotsenko was appointed the URCS Director General.

Askar Umarbekov: Humanitarian worker since 1998, Askar joined the Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement in 1998 in Uzbekistan (country of origin) at the ICRC Regional delegation in Central Asia. Throughout past 26 years, he worked both at the ICRC and Canadian Red Cross field and Headquarter positions in Democratic Republic of Congo, Sri-Lanka, northern Caucasus (Chechnya), Sudan (Darfur), Zimbabwe, Geneva (ICRC Headquarters) and Algeria. Since August 2017, he works at the National Office of the Canadian Red Cross in Ottawa (Program Manager Africa – Haiti, Head of Africa region, Director, Ukraine response and currently Head of Europe region). Since 2022, he worked as the Director of Ukraine crisis response at the Canadian Red Cross Headquarters and in 2024 he took over the CRC leadership over Europe region. He has got MBA degree, Masters in Humanitarian Leadership and advanced studies (University of Lucerne) and Master’s in project management (Carleton University, Canada).


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