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The Carleton Centre for the Study of Islam's First Visiting Scholar is Prof. Jasser Auda

Examining Shariah Poster

The Carleton Centre for the Study of Islam is proud to announce that Prof. Jasser Auda has arrived at the Centre as its first Visiting Scholar. Dr. Auda, who received a PhD from the University of Wales, is a globally-recognized authority on the study of Islamic law. His book, Maqasid Al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law: A Systems Approach, has been translated into 20 languages and is a standard reference on the study of the Shariah. Prof. Auda has taught at Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar, the American University of Sharjah in UAE, Ryerson University and the University of Waterloo. He has served as the Founding Director of Al-Maqasid Research Centre in the Philosophy of Islamic Law in London, UK and as Deputy Director at the Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics in Qatar. Jasser Auda will be at Carleton during the academic year 2015-2016.

As the Carleton Centre for the Study of Islam’s Visiting Scholar, Dr. Auda will deliver a public lecture series titled, Examining Shariah: From Islamic Law to Islamic Ethics.

This lecture series will introduce and investigate a renewed interpretation of the “Shariah,” commonly translated as “Islamic Law,” as an Islamic ethical system and framework. This is based primarily on the Islamic higher objectives and values (maqasid al-shariah). Its understanding has far reaching implications for Muslim individuals and communities in both conceptual and day to day issues.

Prof. Jasser AudaPublic Lectures by Professor Jasser Auda

The Fundamental Question of “Why?”: Maqasid Al-Shariah – October 17, 2015, 1-3 pm; Room 303, Patterson Hall

An introduction to the higher objectives and intents of the Shariah and outlining of the important differences and relationships between Shariah (divine way), Fiqh (understanding), Qanun (law of the land), and Urf (customs).

Women and Islam – November 14, 2015, 1-3 pm; Room 303, Patterson Hall

An outline of fundamental critiques of Islamic jurisprudence, which are necessary for addressing the issue of women and Islam. This lecture includes a presentation of the contradictions between the Quranic view of women and current practice.

What is Islamic Land? What is Islamic State? – March 12, 2016, 1-3 pm; Room 303, Patterson Hall

Linking the concept of authority in Islam with the concepts of justice, mercy and common good (maslahah), and thus challenging contemporary understandings of the “land of Islam” and the “Islamic State.”

Canadian Muslims: On identity, diversity and multiculturalism – March 19, 2016, 1-3 pm; Room 303, Patterson Hall 

A seminar on the major challenges and opportunities that Muslims in Canada face, including an exploration of the potential that Canadian Islam can make to Canada and the world.

Sponsored by The Carleton Centre for the Study of Islam & The College of the Humanities