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Encountering Democracy: A Civics Salon (Video)

In collaboration with the Ottawa Art Gallery and Citizens Academy, Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Jacqueline Kennelly and her students recently had the opportunity to host a public screening of the results of Dr. Kennelly’s research project with homeless youth.

Dr. Jacqueline Kennelly
Dr. Jacqueline Kennelly

Professor Kennelly and her team had generated three short films with the youth, which were focused on the issues they had identified as most important to them – including policing, decriminalizing marijuana, and the supports they need to transition out of homelessness.

The public participated in activities that were similar to those that the youth had conducted, including mapping, a thermometer exercise, and discussions.

Encountering Democracy: A Civics Salon

The films and a resource guide are freely available for teachers and professors to use in their classrooms, or for organizations or individuals to use for community screenings. The resource guide provides outlines of the activities and includes discussion questions and websites for further research on the topics raised. The films and resource guide can be accessed here.