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Alternative Spring Break Applications Now Available!

FASS Students,

We invite you to apply for the Alternative Spring Break program. Alternative Spring Break (ASB) is a transformative yearlong experience available to Carleton students. It connects students with national and international partner organizations to explore a specific global issue through purposeful community service, reflection, and social engagement. During the 2018 winter reading week, teams of students will travel to Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Banff, and Nicaragua to engage with the themes of poverty, conservation, education, and access to clean water and sanitation.

Students prepare for this immersive experience through attending pre-departures meetings, participating in community service in Ottawa, and fundraising. The Student Experience Office aims to lower the cost of the trips as much as possible through fundraisers and other sources of complimentary funding. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to create meaningful connections, develop personal and professional skills, and apply academic concepts to new contexts. As former participant Debopriya (Women’s and Gender Studies) shares: “I gained great education, amazing friends and an experience that I will never forget. Joining Alternative Spring Break was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I am so glad that I stepped out of comfort zone to try something new.” Other participants have described ASB as “life-changing”, “eye-opening”, and “unforgettable”.

If you are ready to make a difference while also gaining valuable experiences you will apply to your studies and everyday life, then apply for Alternative Spring Break now! The deadline for participant applications is Wednesday, October 11th. To apply or learn more about ASB, please visit

For more information contact:

Niamh O’Shea | Student Development and Community Outreach Coordinator
Student Experience Office | Carleton University
430 Tory | 613-520-2600 ext 8840,

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