Posts sorted by For Students

Decoding the Decades: Looking at Canada in the 1980s in New Object-based History Course
By: Emily Putnam A brand-new history course called From Walkmans to West Edmonton Mall: The material culture of the 1980s in…

FASS in a Flash - with Associate Dean Dr. Paul Keen
Meet Associate Dean Dr. Paul Keen!

FASS in a Flash - with Associate Dean Dr. Janne Cleveland
The latest feature of our faculty spotlight shines on Dr. Janne Cleveland. Click here to learn about Janne's research, her…

Race and Representation in the Arts Course Covers New Ground
This Race and Representation in the Arts course covers new ground by using an interdisciplinary approach to equip students in…

FASS in a Flash - with Interim Dean Dr. Anne Bowker
This week's faculty spotlight shines on Dr. Anne Bowker, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Coffee with a Prof 2024
Have coffee and a casual chat with a FASS prof! Have you ever wanted to have an in-depth conversation with…

Dean’s Welcome Message to Students
To all new and returning students, welcome to the 2023/2024 school year at Carleton University! My name is Anne Bowker,…

Coffee with a Prof
Have coffee and a casual chat with a FASS prof! Have you ever wanted to have an in-depth conversation with…

Sam's Blog – Dealing with Academic Anxiety, One Step at a Time
By Sam BeanThe Department of English Language and Literature Student Blogger for 2022/2023 Dear reader, one of my academic nightmares finally came…

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards, Summer 2021

Deciding What to Study: Overview of Carleton’s Interdisciplinary Arts Programs

Deciding What to Study: Overview of Carleton’s Social Science Programs
On the fence about which program is best suited to your interests and goals, or unsure exactly what our programs…
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