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FASS in a Flash – with Associate Dean Dr. Janne Cleveland

Lightning Interviews with Our Community

Dr. Janne Cleveland

Name: Janne Cleveland
Academic Title: Associate Dean, Instructor
FASS Affiliation(s): Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, Department of English Language and Literature, School for Studies in Art and Culture, Drama Studies

How would you explain your research to someone with no experience in your field?

I examine how theatre can be a force for positive social change, especially in its use of comedy and the function of laughter to disrupt and empower.

What first sparked your interest in your discipline and research?

As an undergrad I was already interested in the power of the arts, and entered graduate studies with a literary study in mind. Then I clandestinely encountered a puppet play by Canadian Master Puppeteer, Ronnie Burkett. It changed everything! I subsequently did my doctoral dissertation on puppetry with a focus on Burkett’s work.

What’s one fact about your research area that most people are surprised to learn?

Puppets make really good dissidents because they can get away with saying things that human actors cannot.

What’s the biggest misconception about your research area?

That puppets are just “kid stuff”. Children gravitate to them seemingly naturally, but they are much more than that!

Do you have a favourite class to teach?

I’m a teacher first, so I love the “aha!” moments that happen for students who are working out their own ideas, and these can come from any class. Senior courses are wonderful for really drilling down to deep ideas, but first-year classes are great for introducing students to concepts about the world and their place in it that they might not have considered previously.

Is there a reading or course from your time as a university student that significantly changed the way you think about the world?

Freud’s exploration of The Unconscious was a game changer for me.

What media and/or popular culture content have you recently enjoyed?

When I rule the world, everyone will see “Barbie” at least once. It’s smart and playful and is a designer’s dream!

What’s your favourite spot on campus?

In summer I love to walk by the river and watch for herons. In September it’s great to sit in the quad and feel all the excitement as it becomes filled with the energy of returning students.

Do you have any current or upcoming academic projects that you’re excited about?

I’m going to start working on my stand-up routine again!