2018 FASS Undergraduate Summer Research Interns Announced
The FASS Undergraduate Summer Research Internship program invited students to submit a research project that they will work on during the summer of 2018 in collaboration with a faculty member in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Candidates will receive a stipend of $7500 over the course of the summer. The research project undertaken will constitute a full-time occupation during the summer term.
2018 Summer Interns
- Tarek Benzouak, Depressive Symptoms of One’s Romantic Partner as a Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. B.A. Hons, Psychology, Concentration in Health
- Adam Berk, The Influence of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, on Canadian Founders of Confederation. B. Hums, Combined Hons, Philosophy
- Eddie Cai, The Philosophy of Virtual Reality: Phenomenology, Immersion, and Realism. B.A. Combined Hons, Film Studies and Philosophy
- Bennett Candy, Myth, Religion, and Communal Storytelling in Fantasy Roleplaying Games. B. Hums
- Adham El Shazly, Re-Imagining Society: Social Ontology, Liberalism and Modern Muslim Reflections. B.A. Hons, Philosophy
- Charlotte Frank, Conflict and Creation in the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop and James Merrill. B. Hums
- Joe Habr, Inquiry Into the Commodification Implications of a Compensatory Plasma Donation System. B.A. Hons, Philosophy
- Victoria Hawco, Adam Smith’s Theory of Morality and Sympathy via the Interactive Art Form of Video Games. B. Hums
- Vegas Hodgins, Visual Identification of Language Spoken by Canadian Anglophones, Francophones, and Bilinguals. B. Cog.Sci., Specialization in Cognition and Computation
- Stacie Kerr, Exploring Ontarian Child and Family Policy in a Neoliberal Context. B.A. Hons, Child Studies
- Stephanie Lonz, Environmental Impact of the 2017 Park’s Canada Discovery Pass on Banff/Jasper/Yoho National Parks. B.A. Hons, Environmental Studies
- Joy McLeod, A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Women’s Cardiovascular Disease. B.A. Hons, Psychology, Concentration in Health
- Kim Nguyen, Individual Differences in Children with Early Emerging Reading Abilities. B.A. Hons, Psychology
- Charlotte Smith, Youth Homelessness: A High School Experience. B.A. Hons, Sociology
- Patricia Wallinger, Public Attitudes towards Basic Income: Effectiveness of Persuasive Statements. BGInS Hons, Specialization in LACS