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FASS Researchers – Join The Conversation

The Conversation is an amazing new online platform that publishes stories by experts. If you haven’t heard of it, you are encouraged to take a look.

Often stories from The Conversationare picked up by outlets like the National Post, Maclean’s, iPolitics, Global News, and the Ottawa Citizen.

Right now, they are looking for individuals with expertise in the arts and social sciences to write about the following. Take a look and let if you are interested.


To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the release of Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg’s award-winning film, Universal Pictures will re-release the film in 4K on Dec. 7, 2018. This represents an opportunity to discuss this classic film and its content.

Timeline: mid to late November

Jordan Peele is currently working on a new version of the Twilight Zone, a show known for its challenge of culture and politics and something that is sure to go with the sensibility the director displayed in Get Out. We’re looking for a scholar to discuss this new initiative.

Timeline: December-January

Contact: Vinita Srivastava,


U.S. President Donald Trump has used the name “Pocahontas” on several occasions as a racial slur. The politics of genetics and racism are at play. Looking for a scholar to bring to light several of the complex issues that are raised by Elizabeth Warren’s announcement about her ancestry. “A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America,” Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said.

Timeline: ASAP

Contact: Vinita Srivastava,

As legalized cannabis becomes part of our everyday lives, we’re looking for stories on the cultural impact of the policy change. Inviting stories on:

Social enterprise, corporate social responsibility, youth, culture, history, literature, pop culture.

Timeline: ASAP

Contact: Vinita Srivastava,

Pesticide exposure? The Canadian premiere screening of Ground War  which will close out this years Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival in Toronto on Oct. 28. A recent court case awarded a cancer victim $289 million against Monsanto, the chemical company. Ground War investigates the world of golf, chemical lobbying, citizen activism, and the intensive, conventional use of pesticides on playing fields around the world. Looking for scholars that would like to review the film and discuss the issues that it raises.

Timeline: ASAP

Contact: Vinita Srivastava,