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Archive and Display: Five conversations on Lebanese forced migrations

Historians Dr. Laura Madokoro and Dr. Dominique Marshall are welcoming Lebanese filmmaker and oral historian Hicham Kayed to Ottawa during October 26-30.

Hicham Kayed’s visit is part of the actives of the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network, a research project led by Dr. James Milner (Political Science). LERRN is comprised of researchers and practitioners committed to promoting protection and solutions with and for refugees. Their goal is to ensure that refugee research, policy and practice are shaped by a more inclusive, equitable and informed collective engagement of civil society. Through collaborative research, training, and knowledge-sharing, LERRN aims to improve the functioning of the global refugee regime and ensure more timely protection and rights-based solutions for refugees.

Mr. Kayed is the Deputy General Coordinator of Al-Jana, an organization working “with communities that face marginalization in Lebanon in building on their strengths, and documenting and disseminating their empowering experiences and cultural contributions”.

He will participate in a Q&A after the screening of his 2019 documentary titled Aisle in which he presents the personal journeys of Ihab and Bahaa from Lebanon to Germany. Monday, October 28th, 6:30 p.m. at the Mayfair Theater. This event is free, but registration is required. Dr. Nadia Abu-Zara, Joint Chair in Women’s and Gender Studies will lead the Q&A.

About the Documentary

While Palestinian refugees residing in Lebanon are aware of the risks that come with irregular migration, 156,000 asylum seekers traveled to Germany in 2017, hoping to find the elements of life they were deprived of. This film explores Ihab and Bahaa who built a new life – but at certain costs.

Viewers get exclusive insight into the emotional effects of such a journey, their personal struggles and the life they left behind.


In addition to the film screening, there will be 4 workshops taking place on campus, where Carleton Scholars will share their expertise with LERRN’s guest:

  1. October 28, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Children and Youth Workshop with Dr. Monica Patterson (ICSLAC and Child Studies):  Sharing knowledge and insights on curating the experiences of children and youth. Facilitator: Dominique Marshall. Location: History Lounge – Paterson Hall 433
  2. October 29, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Archives Workshop: Exploring the potential to archive some of Al-Jana’s work. Facilitators: Chris Trainor (Archives and Special Collections), Dr. Laura Madokoro. Location:  Room 583 MacOdrum Library. Dr. Carol Payne (Art History) and Beth Greenhorn (Library and Archives Canada) of Project Naming will be part of the conversation.
  3. October 29, 2:30-4:00 p.m. Oral History Workshop with Hearts of Freedom Project: Exchanging experiences on documenting oral histories. Presenters: Hicham Kayed, Al-Jana; Emma Harake, Concordia University; Colleen Lundy and Allan Moscovitch (Social Work), Hearts of Freedom project, Carleton University, the The Canadian South East Asia Refugee Historical Research Project;  Facilitator: James Milner. Location: History Lounge – Paterson Hall 433
  4. October 30, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Guest Lecture in Professor Aboubakar Senogo’s (Film Studies) Documentary Filmmaking Course, Discussing approaches to documentary filmmaking. Location: St. Patrick’s 400.

For more information, and to participate in a workshop, please contact LERRN’s office: Nadiya Ismaeva.

History doctoral and senior undergraduate students Anna Kozlova and Malinda Pich are the coordinators of the events.