Posts sorted by Archive

Arts and Social Sciences Researcher Awarded NSERC Alliance Advantage Grant
Congratulations to Koreen Millard (DGES), who was awarded an NSERC Alliance Advantage Grant. In partnership with the Nature Conservancy of…

Katherine Parr's Giftbooks, Henry VIII's Marginalia, and the Display of Royal Power and Piety
Dr. Micheline White's (College of Humanities) article, Katherine Parr's Giftbooks, Henry VIII's Marginalia, and the Display of Royal Power and…

Scenes of Bohemian Life by Henry Murger
Professor Robert Holton, Department of English Language and Literature, translated and edited Scenes of Bohemian Life by Henry Murger. This…

Special Theme Issue
With seven articles, this special Theme Issue invites our readers to conversations with our writers from the Global South about…

Decoding the Decades: Looking at Canada in the 1980s in New Object-based History Course
By: Emily Putnam A brand-new history course called From Walkmans to West Edmonton Mall: The material culture of the 1980s in…
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