Posts sorted by English

Upcoming Book Launch For Sarah Casteel’s Black Lives Under Nazism: Making History Visible In Literature And Art
Carleton’s own Sarah Phillips Casteel will be launching her new book, Black Lives Under Nazism: Making History Visible in Literature…

FASS in a Flash - with Associate Dean Dr. Paul Keen
Meet Associate Dean Dr. Paul Keen!

FASS in a Flash - with Associate Dean Dr. Janne Cleveland
The latest feature of our faculty spotlight shines on Dr. Janne Cleveland. Click here to learn about Janne's research, her…

Talking with Artist in Residence Tyler Pennock: New works, the art of writing, and returning to familiar ground
Meet literary trailblazer Tyler Pennock, Carleton’s newest Artist in Residence whose unique approach to poetry and storytelling challenges convention and…

Jaclyn's Blog – September Aphorisms
Jaclyn Legge It is a truth universally acknowledged that September slaps us all across the face and stings like pumpkin…

Bringing a Medieval Scriptorium to Life
From the process of creating vellum and parchment, to the pronunciation of the words written upon those materials, professors and…

From English Student to Public Servant (Alexandra's Co-op Blog)
I’d like to start by admitting that this isn’t my first work term. My days of being bright eyed and…

Professor Sarah Casteel Awarded a Canadian Jewish Literary Award
Book Cover, Calypso Jews: Jewishness in the Caribbean Literary Imagination Carleton University’s Sarah Phillips Casteel, associate professor in the Department of English…

Introduction – In the Interest of Full Disclosure
This is a strange experience, writing about myself. My name is Paige. The thing I probably love most in the world…

Royal Society of Canada Elects Prof. Donald Beecher as Fellow
Professor Donald Beecher English Department Professor Donald Beecher was recognized with one of Canadian academia’s highest honours for Canadian research…
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