The History Department is proud to congratulate the following History students:

  • Katherine Elizabeth Hamilton Dunton (BA Honours in Psychology with History Minor) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level.
  • Mary Kathleen Gunn (BA Honours in History) for winning the University Medal (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences);
  • Nicholas Benjamin Langer (BA Honours in History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Lauren Leslie McCoy (Bachelor of Global, and International Studies Honours with Specialization in Global, and Transnational History) for winning the University Medal (Faculty of Public Affairs);
  • Angel Xing (Bachelor of Journalism and Humanities Honours in History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level.

More details on the medals:

University Medal – Undergraduate Level
Awarded annually, when merited, to the top one per cent of graduating students in each faculty.

Senate Medals for Outstanding Academic Achievement — Undergraduate
Awarded, when merited, to graduating students of outstanding academic achievement

Click here to view the full list of award winners for this convocation session.