Stay in touch:
Newsletter: The Department of History welcomes our alumni to stay in touch with us, and with each other. For news of the department, see past issues of our newsletter.
Share your story: We are always looking for alumni to share their stories for posting on our website. Students and their parents want to know how a history degree will prepare them for the job market and for life.
When I studied at Carleton (BA Hons ’75; MA ’76) the Department was nationally regarded for its strength in Canadian political history. Which, precisely, is what drew me to Carleton. I firmly believe that the Department’s outstanding faculty and well-conceived courses equipped me with an acute understanding of decision-making processes and the context in which decisions were made over the course of Canada’s history. That formation led directly to a career in Canadian government: first as a political staffer on Parliament Hill; then as Senior Policy Advisor to the Foreign Minister; subsequently as a senior official in the Government of Ontario – and as a Diplomat. I studied later in life at well-known American schools – but never wavered in my judgement that the quality of education and support I received at Carleton’s History Department was as good, or better, as anything that followed. — Roy B. Norton, Ph.D. Consul General | Consul General, Chicago
If you have a story to tell, please contact Professor James Miller.
Events: We welcome alumni to the Shannon Lecture Series, held every fall in the Department, as well as to the numerous public talks held in the department. See the list of news and upcoming events to the right.

Architect’s sketch of Paterson Hall. Paterson Hall was one of the first buildings constructed on the campus, completed in 1959. The History Department is located on the 4th floor.
Friends of the Department: The Department of History has benefited from a wide variety of donations and bequests that fund a wide variety of activities, including scholarships, lecture series, and student resources such as the Underhill Reading Room. For more information on how to make a difference in the lives of our students, please contact us.
Alumni Association: Alumni are also invited to update their email and street addresses with the alumni association to receive emails about upcoming events and opportunities. See the Carleton Alumni page for more information.