Graduate Courses, 2024-2025 – more details to be added as they become available

Since a number of graduate courses are negotiated with individual instructors according to student needs, many of them are not listed as part of the regular course schedule. Therefore, directed studies, reading courses, and courses related to the thesis-writing stage will not be listed below, but students are encouraged to consult the graduate calendar for the full range of courses we offer. Ph.D. students in particular are encouraged to discuss course options with their supervisor or the graduate supervisor. Note that the public history graduate courses are available to all interested graduate students, and are not restricted solely to those in the public history stream.

Course delivery methods and scheduled day/times (where applicable) will be available in Carleton Central. Please check Carleton Central regularly for any changes. (These plans are, of course, subject to government regulations and public health guidelines.)

Disclaimer: this list of courses is drawn up several months in advance and is subject to change.

Course Timetable Delivery Method * Instructor
HIST 5003F: Historical Theory and Method Fall/Winter (Full Year) IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS A. Johnston
HIST 5212W: European History – “Sport and Ideology in the 20th Century Winter IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS E. Fraser
HIST 5314A: Colonialism and Postcolonialism in Canada – “Settler Colonialism and Migration Winter IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS L. Madokoro
HIST 5315F: State and Society in Canada – “Disability, Capability, and Debility” – cross-listed with PECO 5501F and CDNS 5003C Fall ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS D. Marshall
HIST 5316F: Canadian History Special Topics – “Maps, Mapping, and Historiographical Praxis Fall IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS J. Walsh
HIST 5608A: The Soviet Union: Power and Culture – cross-listed with EURR 4306A, EURR 5306A, and HIST 4608A Winter Offered by EURUS Offered by EURUS
HIST 5700F: Introduction to Public History Fall IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS J. Opp
HIST 5702F: Public History Special Topics – “Decolonizing Public History Fall ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS K. McCracken
HIST 5702W: Public History Special Topics – “Towards an Indigenous Museology: Encounter, Exchange and Relational Practice Winter IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS A. Nahwegahbow
HIST 5702X: Public History Special Topics – “History and Public Policy Winter IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS TBC
HIST 5713W: Latin America and Caribbean History Special Topic  – “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Latin American and; Caribbean Studies” – cross-listed with LACS 5000W and MGDS 5002C Winter IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS A. Diptee
HIST 5803W: History of Women, Gender and Sexuality – Foundations Winter IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS S. Whitney
HIST 5906F: Selected Topics – “Historical Game Studies” – cross-listed with DIGH 5902C Fall IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS M. Saurette


Course Delivery Types

The following course delivery type will appear in the “Section Information” listing in Carleton Central:

  • ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS SECTION: A real-time, online section where the instructor and students meet via web conferencing tools, at scheduled days and times. Instructors and students share information, ideas and learning experiences in a virtual course environment. Participation in synchronous sections requires students to have reliable, high-speed internet access, a computer (ideally with a webcam), and a headset with a microphone.
  • ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS SECTION: An online section where the instructor and students share information, ideas, and learning experiences in a virtual course space. Asynchronous sections do not have live, scheduled meetings online or fixed-time assessments. However, students are expected to remain up to date with the deadlines and due dates provided by the instructor. These sections require high-speed Internet access and a computer.
  • ONLINE COMBINED SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS: An online section where there is a mixture of synchronous meetings and asynchronous activities. This means students need to be prepared to meet some of the time online via web conferencing tools at scheduled days and times. The specific dates will be communicated by the instructor in the course outline. The asynchronous activities are intended to provide flexibility to students when the class is not meeting synchronously. Students are expected to remain up to date with the deadlines and due dates provided by the instructor. These sections require reliable high-speed Internet access and a computer (ideally with a webcam), and a headset with a microphone.
  • IN-PERSON SECTION. NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS: In-person section; online students should not register.
  • IN-PERSON SECTION WITH ONLINE COMPONENTS (MIX OF ON CAMPUS AND ONLINE): In-person section where there is a mixture of in-person and online activities. This means students need to be prepared to meet on campus at the scheduled time. Information about online activities will be communicated by the instructor in the course outline. The section is not suitable for online students due to in-person on campus activities. These sections require reliable high-speed Internet access and a computer (ideally with a webcam), and a headset with a microphone.


Disclaimer: this list of courses is drawn up several months in advance and is subject to change.