Susan Whitney
Associate Professor - modern France; 20th century social, cultural, and political history; global youth history; women's and gender history
Degrees: | B.A. (Princeton, magna cum laude), M.A. (Brown), Ph.D. (Rutgers) |
Email: | Susan.Whitney@carleton.ca |
Office: | 420 Paterson Hall |
Research Interests
- Global youth history
- 20th century French history
- Women’s and gender history
Select Recent Publications
Mobilizing Youth: Communists and Catholics in Interwar France (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2009).
“The myth of 1968: Clinging to pictures of a revolution in France,” Literary Review of Canada, November 2018.
“Is secularism really better for women? Sex, niqabs, and the secular state,” Literary Review of Canada, January 2018.
“Sisterhood of the Secret Pantaloons: Suffragists and their descendants,” Literary Review of Canada, Vol. 26, No. 5 (June 2018), pp. 21-22.
H-France Review Vol. 16 (February 2016), no. 29. Holly Grout, The Force of Beauty: Transforming French Ideas of Femininity in the Third Republic (LSU Press, 2015)
Clio, Régis Revenin, Une histoire des garçons et des filles : amour, genre, sexualité dans la France d’après-guerre (Paris, Vendémiaire, 2015).
H-France Review Vol. 14 (March 2014), no. 52. Brenna Moore, Sacred Dread: Raissa Maritain, the Allure of Suffering, and the French Catholic Revival (1905-1944), (University of Notre Dame Press, 2013).
“Communism: Overview” and “Communism: The Fall of Communism,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, ed. Peter N. Stearns (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), Vol. 2, 265-270 and 276-279.
Public lectures and radio interviews
“French Children and the Great War,” Symposium on Children, Youth and War, Canadian War Museum, November 19, 2016.
“Children and War,” CBC Radio, In Town and Out, November 19, 2016.
2017-2018 Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award
Current Graduate Supervisions
Ann Walton, “From Labour to Leisure: Gender, Residential Institutions, and Shifting Approaches to Old Age in Canada, 1900-1960,” Ph.D. thesis (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer).
Tanyss Sharp, “Women Religious: Contact and Communication in Exile,” M.A. Thesis (co-supervision with Paul Nelles).
Camas Clowater-Eriksson, “Canadian Servicewomen in Flight: Gender Integration in the Royal Canadian Air Force,” Master’s Research Essay (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer).
Recently Completed Graduate Supervisions
Rowen H. Germain, “Katherine Parr at Hampton Court Palace: A Performance Analysis of ‘A Queen in Danger,’” Master’s Research Essay, 2019. (co-supervision with David Dean).
Theresa LeBane, “Three Catholic Congregations in a Nineteenth-Century City: Providing Social Services, Claiming Space for Women in Kingston, 1841-1874,” M.A. Thesis, 2018.
Mallory Pierce, “We Couldn’t Help Them in Budapest- But We Can Help Them in Canada”: English-Canadian Newspapers and the Hungarian Refugee Influx, 1956-1957,” Master’s Research Paper, 2018. (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer).
Nicole Marion, “Canada’s Disarmers: The Complicated Struggle Against Nuclear Weapons, 1959-1963,” Ph.D. thesis, 2017. (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer)
Natalie Hunter, “Making Connections, Imagining New Worlds: Women, Writing, and Resistance in Paris, 1897-1910,” M.A. thesis, 2016.
Frequently Taught Courses
HIST 2508: France Since 1889
HIST 3115: Youth and History
HIST 4201: Paris in the Jazz Age: Seminar in Modern European History
HIST 5803: History of Women, Gender and Sexuality: Foundations
Please note that Professor Whitney is on sabbatical during the 2019-2020 academic year. She is accepting graduate students in youth history, modern French history, and women’s and gender history.