In addition to the scholarships and awards open to all Carleton students, the Department of History rewards academic excellence among its undergraduate scholars.
Faculty nominations are accepted at the end of winter term for all prizes. Students are welcome to discuss the suitability of an essay or other course work for a particular prize with a faculty member. The winners will be notified in May and their names will be announced on the departmental website.
Essay Prizes
Prizes awarded for essays on specific topics are listed below. Students are encouraged to write essays that would be eligible for these monetary awards. The essays are nominated by the course instructor and selection is by adjudication.
Africa and African Diaspora Essay Prize
“Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History, to the student submitting the best essay on any topic related to the history of Africa and/or the African Diaspora.”
Endowed in 2009 by students, staff and faculty of the Department of History.
J. Carlisle Hanson Awards
“One award will be given to the student(s) writing the best essay on freedom of the press and/or the right of access to the use of this medium by individuals and organizations. The other award will be given to the student(s) writing the best essay on Canadian foreign policy. Preference may be given to a student(s) writing on issues related to government, media and Canadian foreign policy”. A minimum of one award in each category will be given.
Donor: J. Carlisle Hanson, Q.C.
Colonel John By Award for History
“To a student in a graduate or undergraduate history course who writes the best paper on a topic concerning the history of Ottawa or the Ottawa Valley.”
Donor: The Historical Society of Ottawa.
John and Carol Strong Book Prize
“To the student who has written the best in-class essay on a topic relating to China, Japan or Russia’s involvement in Asia.”
This prize was established in 1997 by friends and colleagues to honour Professor Strong’s pioneering efforts to develop the teaching at Carleton of the histories in these areas.
Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium Essay Prizes
Awarded annually at the Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium, on the recommendation of the Department of History, to the students whose work has been deemed as representing undergraduate excellence. A total of 8 prizes are awarded. Students are given a small cash prize and a certificate of excellence signed by the Chair of the Department of History.
Prizes Awarded for Outstanding Grades
Underhill Prize
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Department of History, to the graduating student with the highest overall grade-point average in the Honours History program.
Endowed 1986.
Richard Glover Scholarship
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Department of History, to an outstanding student entering the Fourth year of the Honours History program.
Endowed 1986.
Fitzroy Township Historical Society Scholarship
Awarded annually, when merited, on the recommendation of the Chair of the History Department, to an outstanding student proceeding from Third to Fourth year of the Honours History program.
Donor: The Fitzroy Township Historical Society.
Endowed 1991.
Daughters of the American Revolution Bytown Chapter History Award
Value $1000. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History, to an outstanding student proceeding from one year to another in a Bachelor of Arts program at Carleton University with a major or minor in History. Eligible recipients will have successfully completed a course on American History or on Canadian/American relations and will demonstrate a keen interest in this area of study.
Established 2011 by The Bytown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Municipal Chapter of the Ottawa IODE 80th Anniversary Education Award
Awarded biennially to an outstanding female undergraduate student proceeding from one year to next in the Bachelor of Arts program with a major in History. The recipient will be selected upon the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History.
Established in 2002 by the Municipal Chapter of the Ottawa International Order of the Daughters of the Empire (IODE). This award alternates between Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.
Jocelyn Maynard Scholarship in History
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Department of History, to an outstanding student proceeding from one year to another in the Bachelor of Arts program. Preference will be given to a student studying the history of technology.
Donor: Jocelyn Ghent Mallet. Endowed 2001. Revised 2006.
Hume Wrong Scholarship
This scholarship alternates between History & Political Science. Established by Mrs. Hume Wrong in memory of her late husband. Awarded annually to the leading student in the Third year of History or Political Science proceeding to his or her final Honours year.
Donor: The late Mrs. Hume Wrong. Endowed 1962.
History Administrators Anniversary Scholarship
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History to an outstanding student proceeding from second to third year and enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts Honours in History. Established in 2014 to honour the work of the three administrators of the Department of History who celebrated 40 years of service to the University.
Endowed in 2016
Carter Elwood Memorial Scholarship
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History to outstanding undergraduate students proceeding from second year to third, or third year to fourth in the Bachelor of Arts Honours in History. Preference will be given to students showing a strong interest in Russian History.
Endowed in 2018 by family and friends in loving memory of Professor Carter Elwood.
Professor J.K. (Keith) Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History, to an outstanding student in the Bachelor of Arts program in History. Preference will be given to students with an interest in the history of Upper Canada.
Endowed in 2018 by Jill Vickers in memory of her husband Professor J.K. (Keith) Johnson.