Photo of Krenare Recaj

Krenare Recaj

Ph.D. Candidate

Degrees:B.A double major in History & Religious Studies, Minor in Mennonite Studies; M.A. History, University of Waterloo

Current Program:

Ph.D. History (2021)


Dr. Laura Madokoro

Academic Interests:

Refugee Studies, Migration, Diaspora, Canadian International Relations, Foreign Affairs, Oral History, Canada/Kosovo Relations, History of the Kosovo War.

Select Publications and Current Projects:

Journal Articles:

“Sovereignty Sensitivities and the Kosovo Crisis: The Impact of Domestic Considerations on Canada’s Foreign Policy,” Canadian Journal of History, Vol. 5, no. 2. 2021.

“Diaspora Discontent: Canada and the Kosovo Crisis,” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, V 20, no.4. 2021.

Book Reviews:

Review of Scattering Chaff: Canadian Air Power and Censorship During the Kosovo War by Bob Bergen in Journal of Canadian Military History, Vol. 29. Iss. 2. 2020.

Review of Operation Kinetic: Stabilizing Kosovo by Sean Maloney in Journal of Canadian Military History, Vol 30. Iss. 1 Fall 2021.

Select Conference Contributions:

“Kosovo vs. Sierra Leone: Preferential Refugee Treatment in Canada” Reconsidering History: CHA Annual Meeting, Canadian Historical Association, May 2022.

“Kosovo: The Battle & The War, 1389-1999,” A Link to the Past: Creating Relevancy in the Humanities and the Social Sciences Conference, University of Calgary, March 2021.

“Delaying the Inevitable: Canada and Kosovo,” Chaos and Continuity: Annual Graduate History Conference, Dalhousie University, March 2021.

“Criticism and Conviction: U.S. Involvement in Kosovo,” Underhill History Colloquium, Carleton University, Ottawa, February 2020.

Teaching Experience:

HIST 3306A: Canada’s International Policies with Dr. Norman Hillmer
HIST 3304: Canada-United States Relations with Dr. Norman Hillmer

Description of Research:

Krenare’s SSHRC-funded doctoral research explores the history of international relations, migration, diaspora, and refugees with a particular focus on Kosovar Albanian refugees’ settlement experiences in Canada. Using oral history and traditional archival research methods, Krenare’s project will combine the perspectives of those with lived experience in the settlement of Kosovar Albanian refugees with official government narratives. Research in this area will further illuminate the connections between Canadian immigration and foreign policy and can provide the basis for understanding Canada’s diplomatic relationship with Kosovo. Oral histories form an integral part of her doctoral project.

Krenare’s doctoral research at Carleton expands on her research at the University of Waterloo. Her M.A. thesis Sovereignty Sensitivity and Diaspora Discontent: Domestic Influences on Canadian Foreign Policy Decision Making in the Kosovo War challenged popular narratives about what influenced Canada’s foreign policy during the Kosovo War. She argues that Canada had unique foreign policy considerations among NATO countries. Chapters of her M.A. thesis were published in the Canadian Journal of History and the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies.