HIST 1004A: Europe in War; Cold War
Winter 2025

Instructor: Dr. Sean Eedy

Introduction:  Picking up where HIST 1003 left off (though having taken 1003 is not necessary), this course introduces students to European history in the latter half of the twentieth century.  Some topics covered may include the Second World War and the Holocaust, dictatorship and Soviet-style Communism, social and student protest and uprisings including domestic terrorism, détente between East and West, and the end of the Soviet empire.  Students will witness how ideological differences between the wartime allies created a rupture in postwar Europe and how western economics and changing policies on the use of force undermined the legitimacy and stability of the Soviet Bloc states.  Between lectures and readings, this course addresses questions of class, gender, culture, and politics, through the examples of music, film, comics, sport, consumerism, political protest, etc.  Students should complete HIST 1004 with an awareness of some of the more pertinent events in Europe during the Cold War and their impacts on the people, society, and culture of Europe up to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Class Format:  HIST 1004A meets once per week for a three-hour block.  This time will be split between lecture and a discussion of documents, readings, films, etc.

Aims and Goals:  This course allows students the opportunity to develop their critical analytic and communication skills.  For some, this course may be their first encounter with historical interpretation and analysis and may also be their first experience with academic essay writing.  Being able to interpret historical documents and analyze the works of historians is central to the discipline as is the ability to clearly, concisely, and convincingly argue one’s position.  As such, students will be introduced to the historical practice and methodology and the importance of argumentation and the use of evidence in the construction of their writings.

Assessment:  Student evaluation in HIST 1004 will come from two written assignments (a primary source analysis and a historiography paper), a weekly quiz drawn from lecture and reading content, and a final exam.  There may also be an assignment to introduce students to Chicago-style citations (standard citation style in history) which will be necessary for the written assignments.

Text:  Konrad H. Jarausch, Out of Ashes: A New History of Europe in the Twentieth Century (Princeton University Press, 2015).  This book is ordered through the Carleton University Bookstore.  Be advised, it is also available through online booksellers and as a free ebook through the Carleton University Library.  In addition, journal articles will be posted to the course Brightspace page for weekly readings.

Questions:  feel free to email me at seaneedy@cunet.carleton.ca