Student for a Day

Shadow a current student for the day by attending their lectures, labs and free lunch in the cafeteria! Program runs from September to November and January to March.

  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
    This program includes a free lunch in our Residence Cafeteria, who can accommodate for most allergies and dietary needs/restrictions.
  • Example: Fall 2024, Winter 2025 etc.
    A typical university day could include scheduled coursework between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm. Are you requesting specific date(s) and time(s), or would like us to let you know our availability based on days/times provided?
  • Example: only available 9am-12pm, not available Dec 1 etc.
    Select all that you would like to be included in your day.
    At Carleton University, we recognize and respect the importance of privacy. Personal information that we collect is kept confidential. In accordance with section 41 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Carleton University will only use the information in its custody or control in the following circumstances: where the individual identifies the particular information and consents to its use; for the purpose for which it was collected or a consistent purpose (i.e. a purpose which the individual might have reasonably expected). Please read our full Privacy Notice at
    Please select all that apply