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Carleton 101 for Managers

Thursday, June 11th, 2020 at 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm

  • In-person event

When you start a role at a new organization, there can be a lot to learn. As a new employee, you might be sitting with a lot of questions:

  • How are decisions made at the university?
  • What services are available for you and staff on campus?
  • Who are the VPs? and what’s the breadth of their portfolios?
  • Where can you get information about policies and events on campus?
  • What campus-wide initiatives are Carleton staff and faculty encouraged to participate in?

Carleton 101 has the answers! This workshop aims to offer new employees an overview of:

  • University governance and structure
  • Services available to you on/off campus
  • Information and communications at Carleton
  • Campus engagement​

To register, please fill out the form below: