Directed by Wayne Eagles

DAY & TIME: Wednesdays 7-10PM
LOCATIONS: Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre

The Carleton University Fusion Ensemble focuses on a variety of jazz/rock, textural and funk-influenced improvisation styles: from Bitches Brew-style experimentation to more soundscape/ECM-like compositions; from free improv and progressive rock to hip-hop inspired grooves. Among the goals of the Fusion Ensemble are to develop improvisation/interaction/interplay skills and broaden appreciation of the Fusion repertoire while showcasing SSAC/Music performers in the community. The Ensemble aims to develop a sense of community among Ensemble members. Fusion is generally arranged as 2-3 small combos of current Carleton BMus students and occasional alumni

AUDITION INFORMATION: Audition required 

  • Those auditioning will be tested on notation/chart understanding, improvisation experience
  • Contact Wayne Eagles, Fusion Ensemble Director – or 613/762-9342

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