Applying to the Bachelor of Music (BMus) at Carleton

One of the unique things about Carleton’s Bachelor of Music program is the diversity of musical instruments, traditions, and genres we support. Whether you are a classical or jazz musician, a singer-songwriter, a traditional fiddler, bagpiper, heavy metal guitarist, a DJ/turntablist/beat producer, computer musician, sound artist, or composer, we want to hear from you and we welcome your application.

The breadth of opportunities at Carleton is the reason why our audition process is different from those at most other universities. This is why we have moved away from the traditional audition model to a more inclusive “Creative Practice Portfolio” which allows prospective students to submit a digital package that best showcases their work.

The Application Process

To apply to the Carleton Music Program, please do the following:


If you are a current high school student in Ontario, you must apply to the Bachelor of Music program through the Ontario University Application (OUAC) system before the deadline of March 1st. You will be generated an applicant number (e.g. 10XXXXXX). With this number, you can request your Creative Practice Portfolio application link by contacting the Music Program Coordinator at 613-520-5770 or by email at

** Please note: the March 1st deadline is not the Creative Practice Portfolio deadline. The deadline for submission will be sent to you when the email with the Creative Practice Portfolio link is sent out.

The application link and the deadline to submit your completed package will be emailed to you by the Music Program Coordinator.


Complete your digital Creative Practice Portfolio.

Creative Practice Portfolio consists of two categories:

         A) Live Performance (instrumentalists and singers)

         B) Other Creative Practice (computer music, sound art or production)

If your primary practice is A) Live Performance:

Submit two contrasting pieces that convey the range of your work.

  • We require you to record these pieces in one LIVE recording. The video files of you performing on your main instrument or voice either solo or accompanied can be original works or covers. They should represent your interests and abilities. The videos do not need to be professional (they can be filmed on a mobile phone), although we would ask that your performance is clearly audible and that it documents a complete take rather than one that has been edited together from multiple performances. Also, please frame your shot in such a way that your hands, body position, and other aspects of performing technique are clearly visible.

If your primary practice is B) Other Creative Practice:

  • We require two or three examples of your creative work in music and/or sound arts.
  • For example, you can submit scores of compositions and accompanying sound files (audio recordings of rendered MIDI files are acceptable) or video documentation of sound art works (for example, sound installations or sculptures).


Write a personal statement to be uploaded with your Creative Practice Portfolio (maximum 500 words).

Example of a written statement: Describe your musical/creative background, training, and reasons for pursuing postsecondary study in music. Your personal statement should answer questions about your musical experience, such as: How long have you played your instrument and/or been engaged with the sonic arts? Have you had private lessons? With whom have you studied music up to this point? Do you play any other instruments? What ensembles have you played in? Do you have a background in music theory? If so, please tell us about it. What are your musical interests and goals? What do you find most interesting about Carleton’s music program? 


Submit your Creative Practice Portfolio including your personal statement into the application link sent to you by the Music Program Coordinator when you request it after applying. We do not provide a firm deadline for submission but encourage applicants to submit as early as they can in order to be considered for potential scholarships.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Do you have any questions?

Please call, email or write us at:

School for Studies in Art and Culture: Music
Carleton University
A 911 Loeb Building
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa ON K1S 5B6

Tel: 613-520-5770