NPSIA Statement of Values and Principles

NPSIA aims to foster a community of excellence in research and teaching in international affairs. This community, including NPSIA faculty, instructors, administrative staff and students, will encourage, support and promote rigorous and respectful academic and policy debate in Canada and beyond.

Our commitment to excellence rests on four pillars, outlined below. Our efforts within these four domains will continuously evolve as we identify new issues and ideas to advance equity and our academic mission.

This statement serves to affirm the principles and values reflected in these pillars, and to share them with our colleagues, alumni, donors and the wider community. It complements, but does not supersede, official Carleton policies and collective agreements with academic and administrative staff.

While we are all responsible for upholding these values and principles in our work and professional conduct, we are mindful that individual actions may reflect and have an impact upon the broader NPSIA community. We recognize that efforts to resolve any differences or disagreements vis a vis our voluntary observance of these values and principles begin with mutual respect and a commitment to listen to and learn from each other.

A commitment to the pursuit of and the dissemination of knowledge in a manner that: A commitment to human dignity and respect that: A commitment to academic integrity and freedom that: A commitment to a diverse and inclusive institution that:

  • Is rooted in scholarly rigour and respect for intellectual humility, openness of mind, and honest, yet respectful debate;
  • Values and rewards intellectual risk-taking in teaching, research, policy engagement and public debate;
  • Acknowledges the importance of and respect for diverse viewpoints.

  • Is reflected in our engagement with our students, administrative staff, instructors, faculty and the broader community;
  • Supports a learning and working environment free of discrimination and harassment;
  • Recognizes that discrimination undermines learning, diminishes scholarship and can cause serious harm to individuals and the broader community.

  • Ensures all members of our community are free to think, debate, discuss, inquire, critique and freely express their academic expertise;
  • Recognizes that academic freedom is a privilege that applies to teaching, research, public commentary and critiques of institutions;
  • Promotes rigorous and ethical standards for research inquiry as outlined in the Tri-Agency Framework;
  • Supports the articulation of academic freedom in Article 4 of Carleton’s collective agreement with academic staff.

  • Acknowledges the historical absence of views from marginalized and racialized groups within universities has undermined teaching, research and public debate;
  • Advocates for diversity in faculty, instructors, administrative staff and students including across racialized and marginalized communities, gender identities and socio-economic status;
  • Endorses the importance of equity, inclusion and diversity for excellence in teaching and research;
  • Promotes the value, unique ability and responsibility of universities to empower diverse perspectives and enable their reflection in teaching, research and public debate.

NPSIA Initiatives towards Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Carleton EDI Action Plan