We know some students may be feeling apprehension about the upcoming exam season. It is completely normal to feel a measure of stress about exams, so if that is your experience, know that you are not alone. Also know that in addition to your professors and friends, Carleton has many services and resources in place to support you through this process.

Exam Preparation

One way to ease exam nerves is to identify effective strategies to study and prepare. The Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS) offers Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) mock exams, one-on-one Learning Support Sessions and Learning and Writing Support workshops on a variety of topics, including exam preparation and the in-person “Take Home Exams: The Essay” workshop. You can contact CSAS to learn more about how they can support you in having a more positive experience this exam season. In addition, if you need a quiet place to study, you can drop-in to select rooms on campus, or book a group study room.

Mental Health and Wellness Support

Exam season can be stressful, and it is important we care for ourselves and our mental health while pursuing our academic goals. Our Mental Health and Wellness website has information and resources to help understand, manage and improve your mental health and wellness while at university. If you are not sure where to start, try our Wellness Service Navigator, which is designed to help you curate a list of mental health and wellness resources based on your unique circumstances.

The Wellness Desk in 204A MacOdrum Library is a space for students to learn about resources, connect with our Wellness Coordinator, and decompress during stressful times of the year. The Wellness Desk is overseen by the Wellness Coordinator as well as a team of dedicated student staff. You can pop into the Wellness Desk any time during its hours of operation – no appointments necessary! You can chat with the team about what areas you need support on, explore resources with the team, and walk away with services and/or resources to better support you.

Please know the Carleton community is here to support you. Please use the resources available and also make sure to reach out to your friends and Carleton network for support.

Wishing you a successful end of the fall term!

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