PMC Director Bruce Hamm wearing the Rodney the Raven suit, standing beside a decorated Christmas Tree giving a thumbs up, wearing a santa hat.

Why yes, that is Bruce Hamm dressed as Rodney the Raven, wearing a Santa hat.

Dear Students,

As December quickly approaches, we find ourselves at the end of another fall term. I hope that this term has been enriching and rewarding for you, and I’m sure at times it has been a bit challenging. Learning is a continuous process and each experience contributes to your personal and academic development.  You are likely working hard on end of term assignments and/or preparing for your final exams. If you find yourself struggling, just remember that your PMC Coordinator is here to help. When all of your work has been completed, I hope that you can take some time to rest, recharge and reflect with pride upon what you’ve just accomplished.

On behalf of all of the staff here in the PMC, I wish you a healthy and happy holiday season!