As you likely know, the Canada Disability Benefit Act received Royal Assent on June 22, 2023, after being passed unanimously by the House of Commons and being passed by the Senate.


The Government of Canada is taking the next step in implementing the Canada Disability Benefit, with the launch of the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations Online Engagement Tool, which will give all Canadians, but especially Canadians with disabilities, the opportunity to have their say in the development of the benefit’s regulations. The engagement tool provides an overview of the regulatory areas under the Canada Disability Benefit Act, and space to comment on each of them. The engagement tool is accessible and available in American Sign Language and Langue des signes québécoise. See the news release for the launch of the engagement tool here. 


The Canada Disability Benefit is a cornerstone of Canada’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan and has the potential to transform the lives of working-age Canadians with disabilities currently living in poverty. The benefit aims to reduce poverty and support the financial security of working-age Canadians with disabilities by supplementing, not replacing, existing federal and provincial and territorial supports.